Brahmeshwar Singh Mukhiya, founder of Ranveer Sena and known as massacre man was shot dead. He was released after nine years of imprisonment and his Ranvir Sena was declared an anti national organisation. His death was an another killing that should be taken care by law and order institutions of Bihar but people saw an huge uproar and various political statements on his murder. Lalu yadav have demanded CBI inquiry...most of the top police officers promised to have speedy investigation...residence of Chief Minister of Bihar was cordoned by followers of Brahmeshwar Sigh Mukhiya....These all things prove that how our political system has been criminalised and politicians can go upto any extent for their political politics is continued to ruin the social structure of our society... it is just the we people who need to understand the evil mind of political leaders and come forward to save our society and must not be a puppet in the hands of vote snatchers.