Thursday, 29 December 2011

Dead became alive in Parliament (Upper House)

It was almost evening of 29 December 2011. I switched on T.V to watch discussion on Lokpal Bill in Rajya Sabha. I saw Mr. Rajeev Shukla shouting Pramod Mahajan ko Bulao...Pramod Mahajan ko Bulao...wo bhi 2g mein  lipt thaa....wahi batayega...koi yahan dudh ka dhula nahin hai.....Honorable Speaker were repeatedly requesting to Rajeev Shukla...Naam mat lijiye...nam mat lijiye  but Mr. Rajeev had a deaf ear to listen request of speaker...he was shouting continuously....tum dudh ke dhule nahin ho...bulao Pramod Mahajan ko...It was a total loss of character of a parliamentarian...A shameless parliamentarian was calling a dead parliamentarian just to prove that every parliamentarian is corrupt (koi dudh ka dhula nahin hain) why to blame only members of Congress or UPA government. I feel pity. No any parliamentarian has courage to say inside Parliament that he/she is not corrupt, rather than they openly say don`t blame are also corrupt.All the Parliamentarians were playing blame game on corruption and trying to prove that other were more corrupt. Though they were discussing on Lokpal Bill and was very much clear from their mind that this Lokpal Bill had to fall in Rajya Sabha whatever it had been poorly drafted but had a finger to point out on their corruption.Discussion on Lokpal Bill in Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha proved that few patliamentarians are super corrupt, few are less than super corrupt and all the rest are an average corrupt. For parliamentarians corruption is a part of system and it is injustice to call them corrupt. A maskhara parliamentarian from Bihar commonly known as the most corrupt politician were doing acting inside Lok Saba of a candidate fighting election .He was trying to prove that one becomes M.P after facing hundreds of hell and drowning lakhs of Ruppees. Why he does all that? Why you people expect an honest behaviour out of him. ARE BHAIYE UHO AADMI HAI KAMANE KE LIYE HI KHARCH KIYA HAI.It all rubbish. Anna did his best and Parliamentarians replied worst.Why any Parliamentarian will go for making such law that surely will punish the maker of the law. Why corrupt people will make law against corruption. Anna has to go long in his mission and people have to show their urge to fight against corruption. Rajeev Shukla was pleading inside Rajya Sabha...." Kanoon is made for hundred years...average sustainability of law is sixty years.. please don`t make such laws that will make you cry...Anna is putting pressure to make a law not to punish only members of Congress or Prime-Minister of UPA government but he is trying to punish all of us including our coming generations...(Actually Rajiv ji was telling that corruption was rooted into the veins of every body so please don`t try to remove was almost impossible). We have drafted a Strong Lokpal Bill making a good balance..try to understand it ..this lokpal bill will save us from many false cases as it has a provision to punish those people who will file false case against us.So in the fear of getting punishment of one year jail and and a fine of one lakh rupees people will not think any thing against us. At last he said Utho, Jago aur es  kanoon ko pass it will benefit all of us.We all had seen live telecast of winning moment of Corruption. Ameen   

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